Other Clubs

OARC is happy to work with other great local clubs in the area as we promote and advance the hobby and use of amateur radio.

Disney Emergency Radio Service
Central Florida Repeater Association
Seminole County ARES/RACES
Quarter Century Wireless Association
Lake Monroe Amateur Radio Society
Florida Weak Signal Society
Orange County ARES

Amateur Radio Exam Resources

These useful websites can help you prepare for your amateur radio exam or to upgrade your current license.

Ham Exam
Ham Radio License Exam
AA9W Online Exam Guide
Best Crossbow for Hunting

Disaster Preparedness

These useful websites can help you be prepared for an emergency.

Build a Kit
Red Cross - Prepare for an emergency
FEMA - Emergency Kit Essentials
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications
Disaster Preparedness on a Budget

Join The Largest

Orlando Amateur Radio Club!

Join us in planning for the future of amateur radio and preserving the history of technology! Take part in our annual events, Field Day, and HamCation which is the second largest amateur radio convention in the United States. We are over 300 members strong and are always looking for enthusiastic ham operators.