Should you have any questions about Ham Radio or about our club, we will be happy to answer. If you are interested in having someone call you, please let us know. If you are interested in our hobby, we are happy to find one of our members to point you in the right direction. If you are a Ham and just have a question, we are happy to find the answer.
Mailing Address
Orlando Amateur Radio Club
4046 N Goldenrod Rd Suite 156
Winter Park, FL 32792
You can find board member and club officer-specific contact information here.
Join The Largest
Orlando Amateur Radio Club!
Join us in planning for the future of amateur radio and preserving the history of technology! Take part in our annual events, Field Day, and HamCation which is the second largest amateur radio convention in the United States. We are over 300 members strong and are always looking for enthusiastic ham operators.